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12th Month Personalised Forecast

The Forecast is done by using Bazi and Western Astrological system

  • 12 months analysis of your personal forecast (current to next 12 months) on health, wealth, and opportunities so you can make well-informed decision on the year ahead

  • An overview of your characteristic, strength, and weakness on the particular year

  • Best industries to work in if you're in the midst of turning point

  • The best element that fits your personal chart

  • Remedy and solution on the particular challenges

  • You can prepare 3 questions and receive personal advice from Master Aeros


Common FAQ

1. Why do we need a yearly forecast?

Answer : It acts as a guideline on what may happen on that particular year and if is a good year we harness the goodness and leave no regret in pursuing our goal. If is a downward spiral scenario we need to be cautious with our investment and our decision making in business or career.


2. How do we grab opportunity if it actually exist in our current forecasting?

Answer :


Firstly, we need to identify on that particular year brings what type of opportunity from the reading. Next,  if you're working for others it can be career advancement or increment in salary or even an upgrade that required you to travel abroad. If one of the scenario happen within the year you can voluntarily grab it or you may proposed to your boss at the right month. 


As for business owner it would even be more crucial and important because every decision we make can affect our employees and their family. The responsibility is huge and we need to know what type of risk we can afford on that particular year. Lets say that year is for expansion so if the chart is favourable to the situation then it is a good sign. If is a no, maybe we need to drill down to see which month is more feasible or scrap that option. Same goes to collaboration, JV and partnership or even investing a warehouse or building a bigger factory. All these steps requires millions and these is where our forecasting can help.


3. Do everyone need a forecast?

Answer : Yes and no. It depends on what we want in life and how conscious enough while we are living in this world. Are we sharp enough to identify the opportunity? Or do we have the wisdom to be able to avoid or reduce the influences of the challenges?


As a human we have limited time, resources and life in one lifetime. We somehow unable to turn back the time and undo certain mistake or decision. Why not we have a coach to evaluate with us instead of depending on our own limited knowledge. There's no right or wrong in engaging a consultant it is just a CHOICE.

Request on a quote or an appointment

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