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An astrological reading can be an excellent way to gain some perspective on your own life. You are able to get an overview of a particular situation, set of conditions, or general life patterns. As a professional Astrologer, I love being able to help my clients identify what is interfering with their personal lives, their success, and what they can do about it. 


Aeros Chin started his journey of metaphysics from the Western astrological and New Age systems. Along the way, he continued to research and studied Chinese metaphysics systems like Fengshui, Bazi, Qimen and Flying Stars. He believes that different sets of systems will cater to tackle different situations, challenges and perform as an in-depth optic for problem solving. There is no clash between the eastern and western systems because both have their own strengths and weaknesses, just like humans.


Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Before embarking on this metaphysical journey, he had been working in various fields, such as Aeronautical engineering and a US Fortune 500 company. The reason he chooses to embark on this journey is because he finds more meaning and joy in life on this true calling.


Nevertheless, his vast experience has given him extra leverage in consulting and coaching professionals and people in business. He has been using this sacred knowledge to help him navigate through life challenges and business decisions. Therefore, he wishes to assist more people with these great tools.



“Our mission is to help facilitate personal Evolution and Spiritual Awakening through the Transformation of the Individual Conciousness through Education, Healing and the Practical Application of the customized “Creative Process” in daily life.



Provide people with the knowledge necessary to be able to take control of their life and impose a sense of direction and intention towards the fulfillment of their souls destiny by Self-Actualizing and Astrology as part of the optics.


Beliefs and Values

We only truly learn through experience. All learning comes by way of the imagination and our ability to conceive of ideas as applied to our daily lives. We truly “know” what we can “do”. We do the best we can with what we have and where we’re at in life. In order to improve we need new resources and knowledgeable ways of doing things that will produce new result. What one person can do, anyone can do. We simply have to elicit their strategy and resemble it.


Philosophy and Approach

People learn best by taking information in small chunks that can be easily implement and fully integrated into their daily lives as practice. We only truly learn by doing, by experiencing the knowledge, otherwise it is simply a theory and has no real value in practical terms. In order to optimize our learning ability, we have to acquire the skills and proper understanding for ”how to” learn. How to open our minds and be able to perceive a new stream of information that will serve to transform and modify our current “model of the world”. We have to learn the skills necessary for “learning”, all learning and development is self-induced and requires self-empowerment.


Everybody is ultimately the creator of their personal character and their life-story. I don’t teach you what to think, or tell you what to do, but rather “how to” think for yourself and make healthy decisions that will create life you desire.

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