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Beautiful Sunset

Natal Chart Consultation

The correlation between your date of birth and time contains vital information for your Natal Chart reading. You can unlock your true potential and better understand your destiny path by making well-informed decisions at the right time. Your life events are shaped by every single decision that you make. Knowing when to start a business, form a new partnership or change your job give you the upper hand to success quickly, with the path of less resistance.

Aeros will be  integrating two major system which is Bazi & Western Astrology chart info to do a consultation. 

What is Bazi Reading?

In a Bazi reading, essential information from a Bazi chart is derived from your date of birth and time in actual solar time. The hour, day, month, and year pillar, which comprises 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly branches, is based on the sexagenary cycle. It is not based on the gregorian calendar nor the Chinese lunar calendar. From this Bazi chart, we can extract much information regarding the person's health, personality, talent, potential, relationships, innate abilities, or weaknesses. The Bazi luck cycle can also tell of past, present, and future experiences that one can encounter. A Bazi reading is intended to provide clarity so they can make well-informed decisions that produce a good outcome.

In a Bazi reading, the chart comprises two significant components for analysis

The Bazi Ming 命 refers to your innate abilities, personality, strength, weakness, skillsets, and thoughts system. Not everyone is born equal; thus, knowing these key sets of information prepares you to maximize your self-development. The Bazi Yun 运 can be considered as events that are not within our control, such as the economy, market trends, and available opportunities. Some Bazi can capitalize on a positive cycle early, while some can only leverage them at a better time. A supportive timeline suggests one can find success with lesser resistance, albeit not without hard work and action. The outcome of our destiny is based on the set of actions and decisions we make. One finds fulfillment and success when they are willing to take the right move. The most important part of a Bazi reading is to know when to do what in a limited scenario. 

Common FAQ

  • Are you at a crossroads and facing difficulty deciding on an important event?

  • Are you searching for guidance and answers on what to do?

  • Do you want to know your wealth capacity in life?

  • Do you want to know your potential health problem to prevent further issues?

  • Are you the type to start a partnership, work for your boss, or be your boss?

  • If you are starting a business, do you know which business you will have the upper hand to begin with?

  • Are you constantly having relationship issues?

  • Are you concerned about health issues?

Forest Trees

Every Right Decision You Made Changes Your Life For The Better

Aeros Chin believes a person's success in life is determined by the decisions made at the right time and understanding one's life capacity in the reading. Suppose the person knows there will be a negative luck cycle (external factors), staying low and avoiding risky investments. In that case, the right decision can save this person from a 'destined disaster.' On the other hand, on a good and supportive luck cycle, tapping on opportunities at the right time, setting up a business, changing jobs, partnerships, or business expansion will jump-start his success faster. After knowing your destiny path, your destiny is altered by the changes and actions you choose to take. Nothing is changed if no action is taken, even if you are in a good luck cycle. You should be in control of your destiny.

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